International Journal of Sexual and Reproductive Health Care Submit Manuscript
    Research Article

    Quality of life, sexual satisfaction, anxiety and depression status in lymphoma survivors

    DOI Logo 10.17352/ijsrhc.000038

    Published On: December 27, 2022 | Pages: 061 - 068

    Author(s): Serife Solmaz*, Tugba Cetintepe, Dogus Turkyilmaz, Nuri Asik, Fatih Demirkan, Mehmet Ali Ozcan, Hayri Guner Ozsan, Bulent Undar, Oktay Bilgir, Ahmet Alacacioglu and Inci Alacacioglu
    Abstract View Full Article View

    The counterphobic matrix of cuckolding and troilism: The psychopathological origin of sexual sharing paraphilias

    DOI Logo 10.17352/ijsrhc.000036

    Published On: August 06, 2022 | Pages: 040 - 046

    Author(s): Giulio Perrotta*
    Abstract View Full Article View    

    Dutch Sexologist perceptions on monitoring nocturnal erectile function

    DOI Logo 10.17352/ijsrhc.000035

    Published On: June 22, 2022 | Pages: 030 - 034

    Author(s): Evelien J Trip*, Melianthe P Nicolai, Henk W Elzevier, Rob CM Pelger and Jack JH Beck

    ORCID Logo  0000-0003-1721-8551

    Abstract View Full Article View

    Healthcare providers’ attitude towards abortion service provision in Gulu city, Northern Uganda

    DOI Logo 10.17352/ijsrhc.000033

    Published On: June 07, 2022 | Pages: 008 - 015

    Author(s): Pebalo Francis Pebolo*, Auma Anna Grace and Obol James Henry
    Abstract View Full Article View    

    Proportion and associated factors of sexual violence among female night junior school students in Gondar town, Northwest, Ethiopia, 2019

    DOI Logo 10.17352/ijsrhc.000032

    Published On: March 04, 2022 | Pages: 001 - 007

    Author(s): Woynhareg Kassa Tiruneh*, Terefe Derso and Moges Muluneh Boke
    Abstract View Full Article View    
    Review Article

    Recommendations for removing access barriers to effective Sexual/Reproductive Health Services (SRHS) for young people in South East Nigeria: A systematic review

    DOI Logo 10.17352/ijsrhc.000037

    Published On: September 30, 2022 | Pages: 047 - 060

    Author(s): Benjamin O Ajibade*, Chika Oguguo, Jonathan Ling and Judith Eberhardt
    Abstract View Full Article View    

    Strategies to fight COVID-19: Beyond the difference between SARS-CoV-2 and Influenza virus

    DOI Logo 10.17352/ijsrhc.000034

    Published On: June 08, 2022 | Pages: 016 - 029

    Author(s): Huihui Lin and Hequan Li*
    Abstract View Full Article View    

